So in Japan, in the interval between the end of the year and the start of the new academic year, there is a special, high-tension day. It is the announcement day of the list of the teachers that will be transferred. Once a teacher has taught at a school for 3 years, s/he can be transferred. But some teachers somehow manage to stay a school for longer (some have been at my school for 13 years!). But it’s not something you apply for so it’s really just a game of chance.
When this happened last year, I was mainly confused by it and then downfallen at the fact that some of the teachers I’ve been trying to build friendships with were leaving!
This year, I knew it was coming but I didn’t expect to have almost half the department transferred out or to have so many teachers in general transferred! So it was quite sad but I was mainly upset about one particular teacher. This one teacher was one of the few I really got along with and whom I would joke around with. I was afraid of this teacher leaving last year (when I first heard about this) but luckily it didn’t happen. But it did this year…*SIGH* What made it a little harder was hearing one of the students who really liked this teacher too say “Being a 3rd year is going to be rough! I can’t do it without that teacher!”
I can still contact this teacher (so we can meet up and have coffee or something) but it’s going to be sad not working together anymore…
Today we had the Opening Ceremony for the new academic year. The new teachers were introduced as well as the new Principal and Vice-principal (both of whom seem to know English! Score!). But it’s crazy to see my first 1st years as 3rd years (seniors) now. I’m in disbelief that they’ll graduate in one year…time sure does fly by!
Tomorrow is the Entrance Ceremony and I’ll meet my new 1st years. Exciting~