Sunday, July 12, 2009



So, I’m finally re-connected! Yatta!
(By that I mean that I finally have internet at home again. Woot!)
Long story short, from the time I got here until I moved to my new apartment, I bummed the internet off of my neighbor. He’s the one that told me the passphrase so it was really easy…and then I easily forgot it wasn’t mine… But anyway, I have it now and so I should be better about replying to e-mails and I’ll most likely be spending more time on myspace and facebook. Forgive me eyes!

Now for updates:
…um…nothing much…

At the moment, I’m watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Japanese (because it’s on TV and my TV doesn’t have the language button…) but since I own the movie, I know what’s supposed to be said so I can catch the Japanese and learn new words. :P

Last weekend, Lupita and me had our Mexi-Nite. It was our second time doing it and it took us just as long as the last time to prep and cook everything. Boo~. Actually, it was longer this time around… :/
We woke up around 7 in the morning, packed up pots and pans and other essentials from my place and took a taxi to her place (she had come the night before to bake the desserts with me and ended staying the night), cleaned her place, starting prepping, ate a quick lunch and then cooked cooked cooked until 6:15. That’s when I got ready really fast and then walked to the station to meet up with some friends to that were coming to the dinner (but obviously didn’t know where Lupita lives). But everyone came and it well rather well. This time though, we didn’t have a lot of left-overs like before (we had over-estimated how much chicken we’d need…). We tried to make our own corn tortillas this time but the mix we found didn’t work out too well… So our attempt at making enchiladas rather failed…and I got my finger tips a little burned in the process. Boo!
However, everyone seemed to really like it. We put the “tortilla” dough as the first layer in Lupita’s hot pan and then added the meat we cooked with the enchilada sauce (which we found cans of in an international food store). A little before we expected our guests, we added some spicy mozzarella cheese to half of it. The cheese side was the first to be eaten. It was all eaten by the end of the night. You know what the funny thing is? Lupita and me didn’t even taste it! We have no idea was it was like. But according to our friends, it was good! Whether or not it really tasted like enchiladas…we don’t know…

The Menu:
Re-fried beans
Spanish-style rice
Flour tortillas
Papas fritas
Sour Cream
O-cha (cold tea for anyone who didn’t want to drink alcohol)

But all in all, it all went great. Even our late visitors (late because they had to work and they close at midnight) came, ate and 2 stayed until 5 in the morning! It was crazy but also great fun! :]
But of course, we were rather tired the next day. I didn’t wake up until like 1 (when Lupita came to wake me up. Hahaha. Oh yea, I spent the night at her place) and then I helped her clean up her place.

And then we took a taxi back to my place where we joined many friends (some again) for Carl’s birthday dinner. After eating, avoiding mosquitos, getting a little wet from the on/off rain, we had fireworks! So it really felt like the 4th of July. ^^b

Most of this weekend was spent on catching up on sleep. ;P I caught up on some on Sunday night and through out the week…but because I had to wake up early to go to work, I never felt fully rested. But ah, this weekend was great for that. Sleeping in is what I love about the weekends. x3

Alright. I’m gonna go hit the hay.
Can’t wait for Friday!!! Imma go see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with my friends!!! ah~


Julia said...

That sounds like so much fun! And that food...mmmmm, que rico!

Kinoko Times said...


Gracias! *^^*