Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mind Over Matter?

As I sit at my desk sipping tea and actually have my hair down (seriously. My hair is crazy long and it actually doesn’t bug me that much when it’s down…) I think about whether or cool or cold.

The seasons are changing and it is no longer summer (finally!) and fall has come in. (woot!) But of course, because there’s global warming going on, fall is not going to be that long. Sadly my 3 months of perfect whether is going to be reduced to…well not exactly sure but less! But at least it is not as hot and humid as it was when I first arrived.

Which now brings me to the topic at hand: is it cool or cold?

So, LA whether is not as cold as say Seattle can get. And as this is my first time here, I don’t know what to expect for the winter. I’ve heard that it doesn’t snow but that it can get pretty close to. To me, that is going to be pretty freakin’ cold. But lately, the whether’s been around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. For California’s, that basic winter weather (excluding the lows). And since I survived record lows of 32 degrees Fahrenheit, I feel like I can survive here in Japan. Especially since right now I’m constantly being asked if I’m cold and I’m really just a little cool.

But am I not as cold as I’m known to get back at home (my friends probably remember me being one of the few always complaining that it’s cold/always where sweaters, gloves, etc). But is this because in my head, it’s fall and it’s only cool and not cold. Or is it really just not as cold as it gets back at home?

For one thing, the humidity here is still pretty high. It’s around 88 percent nowadays. I never looked at the humidity back at home but I imagine it was lower than that…

So yea, is it really not that cold or am I just dealing with it very well? In which case, is the winter here not going to be so bad?

I have asked my JET friends about the winter here. And they all say it gets pretty cold and that going to the bathroom is not a happy thing (because they leave the room(s) that have kerosene heater on). But, most of these friends are from Hawai’i. So that may be because they’re not really used to the cold…

In any case, I’m surviving at the moment with just my suit + undershirt and with my hair down. Of course the endless supply of green tea in the staff room helps too. And it’s not like I’m always wearing my suit jacket either…

So…as long as I have pants, sweater, layers and hot tea, I think I’m going to be alright.

I guess walking around everywhere also helps keep me warm. :P

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