Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Current craziness

I'm calling this week "Week of Hell." Here's what it consists of:

~Prepping for an important meeting (making outlines, discussing with my co-presters, making revisions, typing, printing, meeting with kyoto-sensei, staying late at work, meeting between classes
~Halloween lesson: prepping/teaching that lesson
~Prepping for a Halloween party (dealing with invite list, organizing the potluck, buying ingrediants, cooking, baking cleaning, taking necessary things to Lupita's)
~Jogging (it's been a de-stresser lately)
~General cleaning
~Aggravated tendonitis (thank you outline. Not to mention I've started to get the carpel tunnel pain wrists are just bad!)
~napping (notice it's not "sleeping")
~Reunited with my caffiene addiction
~supposed to be studying for my JLPT...
~biking single-handedly
~dealing with headaches and random 5-second stomachaches
...that's all I can remember at this moment...

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