Saturday, September 6, 2008

Did this Really Just Happen???

September 6

So there are lot of things that I’ve been wanting to type about but haven’t really had the chance lately to do it. Although I want to tell you about the baseball game, preparations for tomorrow’s sports day, thinking about taking the Japanese proficiency test, better dealing with homesickness and culture shock, future festival outing, how I love my co-workers and generally working here, future plan to meet up with oxy jet folk…I am going to tell you about today.
Although it started off as a normal day. Walked to school but this time listened to my i-pod on the way, and had pretty much a “normal” day at work (even if it was a Saturday). The return was different.
I decided to go to Yume-town again [explanation insert], to send more postcards and a birthday card (hope it gets there in time…) and then decided to just walk around the shopping area and get to know it better (and plan future spendings).
Anyway, after many stops at various shops, I decided to head back home before it got too dark. Well this is where the down part begins. I couldn’t find it. So I thought that being that there’s so many bikes, I’m just not recognizing my own bike.
It was nowhere to be found. So I walked around other parts, you know, possibly someone else moved it or it fell or something.
Gone gone gone gone gone!

Balh blah blah. I have to go now. Sports Day is today! Woot!

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