September 8th
That’s how I’m feeling. Today has been a pretty great day. I got to sleep in finally. Although I did randomly wake up at 7:45-ish. I was pretty much wide awake and considered getting up and start cleaning the apartment. But the voices in my head told me to just stay in bed. I mean, it is my day off of work and I haven’t had the chance to really sleep in for maybe over a week or so. So yes, I slept in and man I was groggy when my alarm woke me up. So I snoozed for a bit more…and although I was still a bit groggy, I got myself out of bed.
Then I didn’t allow myself to go online ‘til I got a load of laundry in the washing machine (I tend to get highly distracted by the internet). The highlight of this morning is that I finally got to chat with my family. And this time Skype calling actually worked!!!
Though there was some trouble with the calls at first (something odd between skype calls with incoming phone calls at home…), it was so awesome to get to hear my family’s voices again!!! And they all have webcams so I got to see them too!!! Now I really have to go to Yamada Denki or some other electronics store and get myself a webcam! ^^ But yea, I talked with my parents, cousin and aunt for about an hour and a half. Maybe even longer. And I also got to talk with one of my sisters! She even gave me a peak at the future postcards she’ll be sending me (her own art on them all).
Once it got a little late for them (not really late but they all have work tomorrow so we had to say our good-nights) I just played around with aim. There were some buddies on so it was awesome being able to chat with them too. ^^ Sometimes it really makes me miss them and makes me want to go home now but it wasn’t that bad this time. Sure I still miss everyone, but it just makes me more excited for winter break when I go back home! ^^
After that…I had lunch and then forced myself to clean. Currently my apartment is being aired from the smell of chlorine. But since it’s starting to get a little dark I just closed my windows and locked my balcony door. More because I’m on the first floor. I’d be fine leaving it open for a bit longer if I were in a higher floor…it’s the whole paranoid drama I had back in college…except without the roommate drama being added.
Anyway. Back to the present. I plan to go out tomorrow. I have art stores to visit, shopping areas to check out and just overall exploring to do. ^^ Maybe I’ll do some shopping while I’m out…or at least figure out what my size in Japan would be and get an idea of how much things cost to plan out shopping for later. :P The weight limit on the luggage really limited the amount of clothes I was able to bring…but I guess it just means I get to do shopping and get awesome fall and winter stuff. ;P
But yea. In terms of dealing with living alone, I think I did alright today. I’ll either watch a movie later (predecessor left me so many movies!) or maybe go back to playing guitar hero. It’s been a while since I’ve played it…wonder if I can still pass heavy…
Oh! And this weekend is going to rock because it’s a 3-day weekend and I’ll be going up to Osaka/Nara to hang out with some other Oxy JETs!
And that picture is a drawing that one of my students drew during my Introduction Class. ^^
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