When was the last time I wrote…last week Saturday with the news about my bike…maybe…
Anyway, so I came to work over the week because the students were practice for Sports Day and then Sports Day was on Sunday.
It was such a fun day. And man, some of those students are fast!!! I was lucky to get them in the frame of my camera (oh yea, I went a little trigger happy with the camera again…ehehe^^;;). Oh, and then I got to see them do kibasen.
Kibasen is something that I’ve only ever seen in anime before and, after asking my friend Yumi (who lived in Japan ‘til high school) about whether or not they actually did it, was excited to watch it! It can be quite dangerous so most of the male teachers and some volunteer male students helped each little hurdle.
So Kibasen is a little hard to describe. There are groups of 4 boys. One of them gets lifted by the other three. So the three that do the lifting form a sort of triangle. One guy in the front, two in the back. Now, the boy in the front has his palms facing up but has his fingers pointing back. Then the boys in the back hold one hand with the guy in the front and put their other hand on the front boy’s shoulders. Then, they all knell so that the fourth boy can climb up on them. The fourth boy puts his feet where the boys are holding hands and sits on the arms of the guys from the back…is this making any sense at all???...
…well here’s a picture…hope this explains it better than my words can…
…and I just noticed that I’m disassociating my days again…I guess I’m beginning to get really busy and so am adding an extra day in my head to do it all in… What I’m saying is: Today is Thursday, but I’m thinking of it as though it were Wednesday (even if I had my Japanese class yesterday). But because I have a dinner to go to tonight and then meet with my Japanese professor tomorrow to sign up for the Japanese Proficiency Test and I still want to do some laundry, pack for Osaka and think about what to do Friday night…I’ve somehow made myself think that I’m like inbetween Wednesday and Thursday and so I have an extra day to do everything…But I don’t…now I really have to think about everything now…
Wow…totally side tracking there…
So yea, Sports day was filled with many races, some cheerleading (whose outfits were done by the students, as well as the choreography), guy form of cheerleading (which was more like a martial arts dance) and a crazy choreography thing with colored boards (can’t remember the actual word of this). And even some of the teachers got involved in the races. There were some “relay” races with various types of obstacles. I was asked to participate in the 4 legged man race. The way it worked was that there are 4 color groups and 2 members from each would run to the center and choose an envelope. Then they’d run to their colored stands (where the rest of the students were), open the envelope and look for the person whose name was written on it. I happened to see my name (ALT シーラ) from across the field so I ran towards them. They students put me in the middle and off we went for the finish line. Mahaha. We got first place. :P Once we crossed, the students turned to me and after many “thank you”’s, they said, “I love you!” and with huge smiles went to line up with the other groups that got first place. They even got the principal to participate! Hahaha.
I’d post more pictures of the event but I can’t out too many here and flickr’s telling me I’m at my limit already…so I might “go pro”…might…
So because I had to come in to work on the weekend, I got Monday and Tuesday off as “substitute days”. So Monday morning I was able to have like a 2 hour conversation with home!!! And for free!!!
Skype still acted a little funny (something weird whenever a call would go home…even if we were using skype and not the ground line…) but it was sooooooooooo nice to get to hear my family’s voices again. ^^ Can’t wait to go back home for Christmas now. :] Now I need to get a webcam, pronto!
The rest of Monday was filled with cleaning (oh yay… -_-“) but I didn’t get everything done…ehehe^^;; And then I went out to eat with Grace, Carl, Seth and David! It’s always fun with them. So that was a great Monday.
On Tuesday, I went to the bank and post office and then headed towards Tenjin. There I walked about, tried one some jeans (only to remember that I’m Mexican and therefore have way too curvy of a body for Japanese pants) and bought some things…couldn’t hold back…earrings and rings man…
Wednesday I had a class (rather rowdy…) and a Kanji quiz in my Japanese class. That night I decided to go for the Japanese Proficiency Test…level 2 (which is the second highest). I’m pretty sure I can pass level 3 but I figured that if I don’t push myself to a harder level, my Japanese is not going to improve. So…one of the Japanese professors will help me prepare for the test (lots of grammar and kanji to study) and in December I shall take the test (apparently it’s like all day on a Sunday…). So Friday I’m going to buy it and register. So I’ll be making lesson plans, teaching, traveling, cleaning, cooking and studying hardcore…yippi…
Oh, and I’m going to Osaka and Nara this weekend. I’m going to meet up with Terence, Kelly and Stephanie!!! Yay for Oxy JET reunions!!!
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