Monday, September 29, 2008

Typhoon Weather

Ok…I think I remember what I wanted to type about: Typhoon weather!

So a typhoon was supposed to hit Fukuoka some weeks ago (like 2 weeks ago or so) but it just missed us. (*phew*). We did however get these really dark clouds and some rain. I’ve heard that the rain during a typhoon is crazy…so kinda glad that didn’t happened (especially since the night it hit I had a private lesson in the city which I have to ride the train into…).

But I have a buddy in Teipei who’s experiencing a typhoon right now! She said that over the weekend she looked out her window to look at the rain going sideways!!! Crazy!!! And well, since Teipei is really close to Japan, and Kyushu for that matter…another typhoon may come…again…

It seems like we’re just getting some rain at the moment. It’s not crazy heave sideways rain but still, it’s raining. But now it’s starting to cool off (finally!) so the rain and wind are actually a little chilly. Hurray! But…now I need my “winter” wardrobe…and it’s where? Oh that’s right…still at home… :P But you know…in a way this is a great opportunity to go shopping. ;P mahaha. It’d be great…if I actually fit into their pants!!!

Ah well…more of a motivation to lose weight…

Anyhoo…should this next typhoon hit, I’ll write about it…but hopefully it won’t be horrible…hopefully just interesting…


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