Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I have accomplished some things!!!

Hitotsu: I have finally gone out on my balcony!
Basically, ever since I saw that freakin’ huge spider, I’ve been afraid to walk out onto my balcony. Let alone go into the “spider room.” But I told myself, “No. You can’t live in fear. And you need to wash your work shirts! The pile is getting big.” So, out I went. Armed with my spider spray. Because I was rather afraid, I went out with only the soap and downey first (yes! Japan has downey!!! And April Fresh scent! Mahahaha~!).
I did, however, almost walk into a spider web. There are 2 window-doors that I can step out onto my balcony from. I tried the farther (but in my mind safer) one first. But luckily I saw that shiny super sticky string of creepiness before I walked through it. Anyway. I got some laundry done. Drying it is taking a while though…but it’s not dire. I just wanted to get it out of the way.

Futatsu: I have rode my bike
It’s not really that I’ve been afraid to ride my bike here. I just know my luck and in simple little things like this, I tend to have the oddest, weirdest and worst luck. So my predecessor left me 2 bikes (I’ve yet to look for the other one) and the cool red one (yea, red!) had a rusting chain and gear metal thing. Although it moved, I was afraid it would burst on my first attempt of riding it or that I would fall and horribly cut myself with it.
So a co-worker looked at it and told me to bring to school. So it was just like the walking to school that I’d been doing before, except this time I got to put my stuff in the basket. So it was actually better for my back. :P Anyhoo, the awesome office ladies called the guy (possibly the owner) of a bike shop who came to the school, looked at my bike and took it away to change the chain. A couple hours later, a little before lunch, my bike was back. So, I got to ride my bike back to my apartment. It was rather nice. But I was a little embarrassed when 2 of the office ladies were waiting to SEE me ride off (embarrassed because I hadn’t tried that bike yet and because I remembered the last I tried with Elo…when my first minute was very wabaly…ehehe^^;;) But I rode it and didn’t fall. Mahahaha. Though I did freak out a bit on my way down a hill (I didn’t want to pick up so much speed yet! Especially not with my laptop in the basket!). And only then did I find out I have the squeakiest, most loudest bicycle brakes in the world. -_-“ But at least they work, ne?
And today I rode it to work. I’m finding out that my heavy laptop makes it a little harder to keep control. I need to buy a back basket to put it in. Oh! And a helmet! (which I plan to buy today if possible. “If possible” because I have class today.)

Mittsu: They loved the omiyage
Jesh! My co-workers liked the Mexican candy I brought as omiyage for them (omiyage = souvenir/gift). I think what also worked was that it’s Mexican. It’s something totally new to them. :] And then I got to explain to some of them that my hometown is primarily Mexican so although it is a Mexican candy, it is from the US. Two birds with one stone! Mahaha!
Oh yea. And because I had a “business trip” on Friday (the Fukuoka Orientation), I brought a huge box of wafer-chocolate candy. So after I gave my introduction, I told them I brought that back for them. My supervisor was surprised that I did that. I guess it took other ALT’s a while to get into that custom? But after about a week of receiving omiyage from the other teacher’s trips, it just felt right. And other Fukuoka JETs at the orientation bought some too. Hehe^^.

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