Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Trains, class, waiting and now I'm tired...

Finally! I've been trying to post this for about half an hour!!! ><"

August 7th, 2008

So yesterday I was greatly helped by my co-workers and vice-principal in finding the Nishitetsu metro station. Since I’m sort of half way to where my weekly Japanese class is (half way in relation to the fact that I’m currently living in Amagi), I told my friend Mike that I’ll meet him at the Futsukaichi station. I was there rather early, but I’d rather know where exactly I am than trying to find it later and possibly getting lost again… ><” Anyhoo, so I waited for him. Actually I think I was waiting on the wrong platform at first and then moved to the right one… Our meeting time was scheduled for 5:30 but I didn’t see him. I decided to wait since it doesn’t take that long to get to Tenjin (where class is). So I waited about 20 minutes or so. And since I wasn’t too sure how long the train will take and since I had to find the building on my own this time, I decided to hop onto the 5:51 train. The funny thing was I had a strange feeling that with my crazy luck, he’d get there as soon I get on the train. As I thought this and greatly considered waiting for the next train, the doors closed. The train decided for me…
So off I went. At the station in Tenjin, there is a huge TV screen which people call the “Soraria stage.” It’s a common meeting place for most people or so I’ve heard. So I was there and something was telling me to wait for a bit again. And I started having this internal argument with myself... Anyway, I went off to class. I think I took a slightly different route than my predecessor had shown me but in any case, I got to the building. (woot! No more getting lost) As soon as I got there though, I couldn’t remember if it was the 3rd or 4th floor…so I climbed up the stairs to both of them and eventually saw one of the teachers. (hurray!)
Last night I tried a lower level Japanese class than the one I tried last week. Last week’s was a bit too hard for me. I was sort of able to follow what was going on but because my vocabulary wasn’t strong enough for what was going on, I felt lost the majority of the time. Also, my kanji reading was not as high as everyone else in the class (about 6, excluding me). But since there were only 2 classes meeting last week (beginner and the one I tried) I tried out the hard one. Last night I tried the class prior to that one and found out…it’s rather easy for me… So for this class…like many other things and occurrences in my life, I’m in-between… ><” So, I don’t know what to do exactly…I can either be the big fish in a small pond or be completely confused have the time… @_@
After class, most of us went out to go eat. It was like a welcoming thing for the new Fukuoka JETs in that area. The food was great but the service was slow…so Mike and me were a little worried about catching the last train/bus back to Amagi in time (especially since we didn’t know what time the last one left and how long it would take [Though I think Mike had a better estimate than me]). But Grace, a JET-senpai (elder; like the freshman-senior relationship) didn’t want us to feel rushed but rather enjoy our time together and so she offered to drive us back. That was so awesome of her. ^^
So…I’m quite tired and was suuuuuuuper sleepy this morning. Blah. And since it’d most likely going to be a slow day at work, I’m going to have to keep moving to stay awake!

So I just got some notices on the future schedule. I’m going to have to introduce myself to all the teachers on the 18th and then again to all the students on the 21st. ehehehe^^;; And since I know some Japanese, they said that if I can, I can write and read it first in English and then in Japanese. Alright! It’s hardcore study time for me now!
(I just noticed that my metro station talk is a little confusing…In Japan, the two main metro/bus are the Nishitetsu and JR lines. The Futsukaishi station I was talking about is the name of the stop on the Nishitetsu line.)


Unknown said...

So did Mike show up five minutes after you left the train station and headed for class?
You kind of left it a clif hanger.

Kinoko Times said...

Something of the sort.